Above is beautiful Walden Pond in Concord, Massachusetts. The American writer, Henry David Thoreau lived here in the mid 1800's for 2 years, 2 months, and 2 days in a tiny little cabin in solitude. Many of his writings were inspired by this lovely landscape.
This past Friday I had the opportunity to visit Walden Pond with my children, my dear friend Jen and her two beautiful "sweetpeas" (The cutest 3 year old twin girls you could every lay your eyes on) Jen's two sisters joined us as well.
The purpose of our visit was to once again enjoy another summer day in beautiful New England - and for me a chance to practice some "open-water" swimming with Jen( who also doubles as my "swim coach" twice per week) as The Cranberry Triathlon is soon approaching.
I somehow manage to squeeze into my wetsuit with some welcome assistance from Victoria (also known as #1girl and firstborn) We pry it up and on to the best of our ability; we are laughing and I am sweating all at the same time. I feel like the Michelin Man; it seems hard to breathe but hey these things are supposed to fit snug right?
The plan is to swim the .5 mile across the pond; take a brief rest and swim back. If for some reason I don't think I can swim back I will walk the wooded trail back to the beach.
Off we go Jen, Melissa (both former competitive swimmers mind you) and me the "mud turtle". Let me just say I don't mind being slow but it is imperative that one breathe while swimming. My breath feels constricted and the range of motion in my stroke limited. I am thinking, I should not be having this much difficulty - I have been swimming consistently and building my endurance. Somehow I manage to make it almost to the other side - Apparently I swam well over the 1/2 mile due to my zig-zag pattern across the lake - wonderful.
I am anxious and troubled and all I want to do is rip the wetsuit off! So off it comes. My bosom bursts free and I feel like a free woman and can once again breathe! My idea is to simply walk the wooded trail back to the beach, wetsuit in hand. But I also really want to know if I have the ability to swim the .5 mile back.
And in that moment my friend Jen takes this sorry, wet, heavy suit and ties it around her waist and says "Let's go" I try to protest, but I should know by now not to argue with this woman when her mind is set.
Once again - Off we go. And I swim and swim and swim the freestyle stroke all the way back. I can breathe and I can sight and I am happy.
When we reach the shore - Jen is my "Superhero" I try to apologize - she tells me to "Shush" and just say "Thank you" So I thank her for the 100th time.
“Words are easy, like the wind; Faithful friends are hard to find.”
― William Shakespeare
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