Favorite Quotes

  • "We are not human beings on a spiritual journey. We are spiritual beings on a human journey." - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Why am I doing this?

I am not quite sure where to begin......Why am I blogging?? Well it has been a year and a half since I boarded a plane with my first-born and only daughter to take her to college some 2,000 miles away. I cried everyday for the first 6 months...for real. Well you can imagine my delight when she started her own blog. It was like opening a present everytime she posted a new entry. I would soak it up with delight and really felt closer to her. I sometimes even read over her older posts because I enjoy her blog so much. Over the last few months I thought it might be fun to start blogging. I am sure it will not be nearly as witty and interesting as Victoria's (that's my daughters name) I am going to give it a whirl. This is quite an undertaking for someone who is thrilled to have finally figured out how to use her blackberry. Let's just say technology is not my forte'.


  1. I hear ya. My daughter Julia was born in Portugal, when I lived there. When we moved back to the states, she was 3. She travels to Portugal every summer to visit her dad, and those are the toughest weeks of my life.

    I think you look HOT in your skin! Now let's see you out there killing it in your WETSUIT!

    Love ya,

  2. Isn't it amazing what are daughters teach us!!!!
    Life can be full and wonderful in so many ways, this is just a new way to put out our love, friendship, kindness and support to others.
    Luv you all so very much,
