In the 2 weeks prior to her leaving I found myself a little sad and feeling somewhat down at times. Sad because I would not see her for 18 months, sad because the house is never quite the same when she is not here, sad because sometimes change is just hard. I hate feeling sad so I prayed. I prayed for peace, I prayed for happiness, and I prayed for the strength to send her off to this "Most Important Duty" with my whole-hearted blessing. Well peace is what I got. I remember waking up on a beautiful Saturday morning a week before she left feeling that "peace that surpasses all understanding" I also woke to the thought "Hey Rhonda you have a good friend who sent two of her boys who are Marines off to the Middle East during war time! Get over it!" Sometimes this is how the Lord speaks to me the stubborn child I am.
I had a wonderful little stay in Utah; I stayed with my good friend Brenda Armitage (said mom who sent two boys off to the Middle East) She took me for a beautiful ride up Payson Canyon in the town she lives in. The colors were beautiful and the mountains majestic. It was so nice to take in some of God's Handiwork. I made my famous or not so famous Chicken Piccatta (SP?) for their family,went to a Hippie Coffee shop named "Joe's" and had the best Hot Chocolate and Bagel w/ Avocado, Tomato & Cream cheese. I also enjoyed some down time reading and relaxing.
Another pretty view in the canyon - Thank you Brendi!
I have said before that I am proud of so many of Victoria's accomplishments but above all I am grateful for the kindness she shows to others and her willingness to serve: Here is just a little excerpt of her amazing testimony:
I know that while this Plan of Salvation is universal it is also the most individual and personal experience imaginable. I love my family and am so grateful for the knowledge that families can be together forever. I am eager to share this knowledge with as many of Heavenly Father's children as will listen because I know that, just as He had a plan for me, He has a plan for them to come to the gospel and truly begin their journey back to Him.
Rock on and preach the word my little missionary!!!