Well it has been some time since I have blogged......the result of a very busy but wonderful summer so far. Summer is my favorite season for many reasons. Warm sunshine, long days, children home from school, cook-outs, and just time well spent with the people I love most. What better way to kick off the summer than a little thing called the Warrior Dash with family and friends. What is this Warrior Dash you ask. Well they advertise it as the "Craziest Frickin Day of Your Life" I would have to say it came pretty close. The Warrior Dash is a 3 mile obstacle course that includes climbing rope walls, jumping over fire, climbing over a horizontal cargo net with a considerable pit below and literally trudgeing through tons of mud. I wish I could say I ran this course but how does one run through knee deep mud? You don't - you just literally slop, squish, and laugh yourself all the way through. You laugh at yourself and you laugh at the crazy family and friends that are doing this with you. If you want you can wear a helmet with horns and even buy a kilt afterwards (which my husband was very excited to purchase) This event took place on Saturday June 25, 2011. A total of 19,000 people participated in this event over the course of 2 days. Am I proud to say I am one of them? Mmmm maybe proud isn't the word - let's just say happy. Yea it was a happy day filled with laughter, family and friends!
I am divinely created. God has given me the great and awesome gift of a body and a spirit. I know this like I know the sun rises each morning. I believe with this gift comes a great responsibility. A responsibility to nourish, nurture, respect and care for it. "Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy." 2Nephi 2:25.I believe joy is found in a healthy body, mind, and spirit. It's a journey and I'm rejoicing in it!
Favorite Quotes
- "We are not human beings on a spiritual journey. We are spiritual beings on a human journey." - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin